Vladimir Vladimirovich Andersen, PhD-student, Faculty of Philology Saint-Petersburg State University (Universitetskaya nabereghnaya, dom 11, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 199034)
Andersen V. V. The Metamorphosis Golye and the conflict of the Church and the school after the condemnation of Alenard’s theaching in Sens (1141), Religiya. Tserkov’. Obshchestvo. Issledovaniya i publikatsii po teologii i religii [Religion. Church. Society: Research and publications in the field of theology and religious studies], Saint-Petersburg, 2013, vol. 2, pp. 263–272.
DOI: 10.24411/2308-0698-2013-00011
Language: Russian
Metamorphosis Golye, a short Latin poem using a fantasy setting to enumerate a list of the school masters teaching in Paris in 1130-1140-s, is traditionally considered to be the first literary mention of the Abelard and Heloise romance. The ‘Palatinus’ searched for by the end of the poem seems to be indeed referring to Abelard (he’s mentioned explicitly earlier in the list of the school masters): Palatinus is referring to ‘Palatium’, modern Le Pallet, the birth place of Abelard; John of Salisbury knows his nickname as Peripateticus Palatinus Abaelardus noster. Researchers like G. Misch interpreted the bride (‘nupta’) seeking for the Palatinus as a reference to Heloise and her Sehnsucht towards Abelard. However, J.F. Benton (1975) convincingly argued that the ‘bride’ seeking for Abelard near the end of the poem cannot be identified with Heloise. Instead, it’s the same ‘nupta’ from the beginning of the poem, which can only mean Dame Philology (a character taken from Martianus Capella). It is argued that the poem should be dated as late 1142: it cannot be reasonably dated at 1165, as J. Ward argues based on his reconstruction of the time master Meinerius was teaching in Paris, instead, its vivid evocation of the details of Abelard’s fate at the Council of Sens (May 1141) suggests an earlier date; since Gilbert de la Porrée was only consecrated at Bishop of Poitiers in July 1142, and a ‘presul Pictaviensis’, most likely Gilbert, appears in the poem as well, late 1142 seems the most likely date, which would make the Metamorphosis the earliest poem ascribed (probably much later) to the fictional Bishop Golias

Key words: Abelard, Eloise, the Council of Sens
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