Prilutskiy A. M. Post-Covid notes
Philosophy of religion

Bitkin V. A. Epistle to Philemon in the light of Theology of Apostle Paul
Golovushkin D. A. Dividing lines: Local Council of 1917–1918 as predictor of renovation movement development in the post-revolutionary period
Subbotin K. Yu. Doctrine of justification in Sergius Stragorodsky’s master’s thesis and its critique in the Russian Orthodox church
Kartunnen T. The Lutheran Book of Worship 2000 and Christian Unity
Religion and society

Nazarova M. S. Oriental costume in early Christian art. To the question of the «Adoration of the Magi» iconography in the late antique paintings of catacombs
Omelchenko D. M. The problem of semiotic status of the belt in clothes of bishop Caesarius of Arles
Lurie Z. A. Space of meanings of the biblical drama «The Sacrifice of Abraham» by Theodore de Beza
Krylov P. V. Holiness on the screen. Visualization of Joan of Arc’ image in cinema
History and сulture

History of early Church
Kargaltsev A. V. Cyprian of Carthage: a bishop or an urban elite?
Mamontov A. L. Donatists and African revolts of the 2nd half of the 6th century
History of medieval France
Novikov A. S. Paradox of Aliénor d’Aquitaine in the context of the High Middle Ages gender model of a noble woman
Mayzlish A. A. On the Way to Nicopolis: Preparing the Franco-Burgundian Crusade (1396)
Anisimova A. A. French Monasteries and their English Towns: the Issues of Administration and Communication
Serdov D. Yu. Status of royal sons at the French court of the early Modern period (on the example of Philip of Orleans)
Source- and text studies

Lurie Z. A., Polyakova M. A. Brief Catechism of Johann Brenz: History of Creation and Translation
Savinov R. V. Preface to the Latin Edition of the Collected Works of Martin Luther (1545): Introduction, Translation, Сomment
Criticism and bibliography

Polyakova M. A. Littera scripta manet: a new view on well-known texts
Chronics of scientific and religious life

Ivanova T. N. The Irish Cultural Centre at Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia from October 2020 to December 2021: events overview
Gaidukov A. V. Religious chronicles of the first wave of COVID-19
Panteleev A. D. On new project for the study of early Christian martyrdom