Prilutskiy A. M. Study of religion in 2019: problems and prospects
Philosophy of religion

Lane T. Cyril of Alexandria and the Incarnation
Isaev S. A. Doctrine of Law by St. Nicholas of Serbia (1880–1956): an Attempt of Systematization and Estimation
Kopylov I. A. El carácter sintético de las creencias de Luis de Carvajal el Mozo
Religion and society

Orachev A. Orpheus in Thracian Rural Beliefs and Rites
Lenkov P. D. Social ministry in Buddhism: analysis of relevant concepts
Salvarani L. Oporinus’ Dramata Sacra anthology (Basel, 1547): a historical and educational reading
History and culture

Kovalev V. A. Church tradition and Coronations in Medieval England
Berezhnaya N. A. The Formation of the Evangelical Confession in Germany: Melanchthon and religious polemics in the middle of the 16th century
Roth M. The abdication of Margrave George Friedrich of Baden-Durlach — an act of «political prudence»?
Source- and text studies

Zhestokanov S. M. The legendary history of Greece in the chronological tables of Eusebius of Caesarea
Barzakh Z. A. «Exodus» (Ἐξαγωγή) of Ezekiel the Tragedian: introductory article and translation
Lurie Z. A., Polyakova M. A. «Instructions of the Visitors to Parishers in Electoral Saxony» by Philip Melanchthon: introductory article and the commented translation of the chapters «On everyday activities in churches» and «On schools»
Savinov R. V. Philosophy and Theology in early Puritanism: William Ames’ Criticism of Metaphysic
Criticism and bibliography

Krylov P. V. Being a Christian in the Middle Ages. Review on: Jean Verdon «Être chrétien au Moyen Âge» (Paris, 2018)
Chronics of scientific and religious life

Golovushkin A. D. 3rd Congress of the Russian Religious Society «Religion and Religion: Discourses and Practices»
Palamarchuk A. A. Discussion on parishes in the Catholic Archdiocese of Mother of God in Moscow: expectations and mechanisms
Arutyunova A. In connection with Godly Play trainings in Russia: a little about the technique itself