Prilutsky A. M. Academic approach to religion: new challanges (instead of a preface)
Philosophy of religion
Pihkala J. People of God: historical and theological perspectives
Ivanenko A. I. The problem of the Middle Ages in the Martin Luther’s theology
Litvin T. V. Jean Grondin. To the composition of «Truth and Method»: introductory article and Russian translation
Religion and society
Kravtsova E. S. From Inquisitores Sedis Apostolicae to enqueteurs de Roi: franciscans in France in the first half of the 13th century
Logutova M. G. Manuscript books as a structuring factor of the Devotio Moderna religiosity
History and culture
European civilization in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Time
Restif B. The Cardinal of Lorraine and the liturgy in Reims
Kopelev D. N. Creation of an enemy: assassinations in Blois and desacralization of Henrich III
Prokopiev A. Yu. Secular and spiritual power in the early Lutheran Orthodoxy: Polykarp Leyser the Elder (1552–1610)
Protestantism in Russia
Shaposhnik V. V. Protestants at the court of the Ivan the Terrible
Shkarovskii M. V. The Ministry of the bishop Arthur Malmgren
Source- and text studies
Barushnikov A. Ye. The tongue-tied dead: burials and cemetries as a source for sociocultural change in the south-east of Britain at the turn of the new era
Avril Y. La Vie de saint Etienne de Perm d’Epiphane le Sage et la version qu’en donne G. S. Lytkin
Tihomirov A. V. Fake pearl: chants of Paul Gerhardt in Russian translation
Criticism and bibliography
Chronics of scientific and religious events
Palamarenko E. V. Pilgrimage to the Holy Land at the present stage
Reutter G. Über die Konferenz «Auswirkungen der Reformation auf Russland»
Ivanov M. V. About participation of the St. Mary Cathedral in the «Night of Museums»