All manuscripts should correspond to the genre of academic texts, its norms and style, and must be proofread.
There is no publication charge.
The volume of an scientific article should not exceed one author list (40 000 symbols). For critical publication of source-text the recommended volume is 60 000 symbols. Reviews and information notes must not exceed a half of an author list (20 000 symbols).
All texts (except information notes) must content:
- a list of references;
- information on the author (name, surname, academic status, place of work (academic institution with official address), e-mail);
- abstract of the article (200–250 words);
- keywords (no more that 10).
- Reference tools and list of reference must fulfill the almanac requirements.
The text file provided for the production of the original layout must be in its final form. No additions and changes in the text and figures in the manufacture of the original layout are not allowed.
Rules for texts
Texts should be saved in docx, doc or rtf formats with automatic page references
Standard Windows TrueType fonts should be used (Times New Roman for text, Symbol for Greek letters, MathematicalPi2 for handwritten and Gothic characters). The body text font size is 14pt.
If you use other rare typing languages, then be sure to inform about it and provide the font installation file.
Use the features provided by the text editor: automatic creation of footnotes, automatic hyphenation or automatic hyphenation, creation of lists, automatic indentation, etc.
N. B.
- The symbol of reference goes before a punctuation mark
- Only «» are used as quotation marks, and British inverted marks “ ” are used for inner quotations
- There is a space character between name initials and surname
- To show little gaps in quotations use three dots: «… he saw a man», «The queen was there…». Is there are gaps of sentences or more use […]: «… he saw a man» […] The queen was there»
- To create a table, use the features of Word (Table – Add Table). Tables typed manually (using a large number of spaces, without using cells) cannot be used.
- It is unacceptable to type the entire text of the title in CAPITAL letters.
- A space is placed: between the initials and the surname (A. Yu. Prilutsky, A. V. Kargaltsev), between the sign of the number (No. 3), paragraph and number (§ 14), between the page and its number (p. 56).
- A dot is not put after: article titles, full names of authors, addresses, headings and subheadings, table names, figure captions, subscripts, dimensions, some numbers (s – second, r – gram, min – minute, day – day, hail – degree, million – million, billion – billion, trillion – trillion).
- A dot must be placed at the end of the footnote.
- An en dash is placed between the ranges (years, page numbers) (1618–1648, pp. 15–25, etc.).
Page references
Page references are given according to Russian standards (GOST-7 and GOST Р 7.0.5-2008).
The principle of short (simplified) bibliographic references is used: the author(s), title, place and year of publication, page number or page range are indicated. In the case of a reference to the entire article or book, the last paragraph is not indicated.
There are several general rules:
- In the case of a repeated reference to the same unit of used literature, information about the place and year of publication is omitted. The title may be quoted in full or abbreviated to a few words followed by an ellipsis. If such a reference is in a row, it is necessary to use the designations: Ibid or Ibid.
- References to sources are indicated inside the text in brackets in accordance with the tradition: a comma-separated abbreviated author’s name, title, chapter (in Roman numerals), paragraph line (if available, in Arabic numerals). For ancient Greek texts and other rare languages (Akkadian, Hebrew, etc.), Latin names or Latin transcriptions are used.
- no italics is used
- Commas are used only to delimit several authors, publisher, the year of publication and several places of publications.
- In other cases use full stop marks.
- Use // as “in”-mark
- Use / to give comments about editor, translator or publication numbers.
- Series and volume of the series in given in brackets after the bibliographical description.
- To mark editors use the following abbreviations: Ed. by (English), Éd (French), Hrsg. von (German), Ed. (other languages)
- To mark pagers us S. for German and Р. for English and Roman languages.
- To mark volumes use the following abbreviations: Vol. (Enlish, Latin), T. (French), Bd (German)
- For periodical volumes and numbers of journal go after the year, for non-periodical this information is put before the place of edition.
- All titles of non-latin alphabet should be translited according to BGN standard with translation to English given after in square brackets. Literature in Russian could be given in original language.
- The use of abbreviated titles of journals (VDI, ZDA) is not allowed.
- Places of publication are separated from each other by a semicolon.
Examples of footnotes
Links to the source in the text
(Comen. Did. Magn. XVII, 19, 20)
(Plin. NH, II, 168)
Links to a monograph
Доддс Э. Р. Греки и иррациональное / Пер. с англ., коммент. и указатель С. В. Пахомов. СПб., 2000. С. 252.
Parker G. The Making Roman India. Greek Culture Roman World. Cambridge; New York, 2008.
Links to a periodical
Лурье З.А. К вопросу о роли иллюстраций в печатной книге XVI в.: «Пассионал» Лютера // Печать и слово Санкт-Петербурга. СПб., 2021. С. 323–328.
Kolb R. The Experience of Being Luther’s Student // Религия. Церковь. Общество. СПб., 2019. Вып. 8. С. 100–115.
Links to a non-periodical
Bouzek J. Attic Art of the Fifth and Forth century BC and the Art of Cimmerian Bosporus // Греки варвары на Боспоре Киммерийском VII–I вв. до н. э. СПб., 2006. С. 17–19.
Electronic resource
Kolb R. Kleiner und Großer Katechismus // Neuedition der Bekenntnisschriften der evangelisch-lutherischen Kirche [Электронный ресурс] // URL: (10.06.2021).
Links to a text with doi
Heal B. Die Druckerpresse und die Macht der Bilder. Leiden, 2021 //
A repetited link
Kolb R. Teaching God’s Children… P. 6. (название работы сокращено, стоит многоточие).
Kolb R. Kleiner und Großer Katechismus. (название работы не сокращено, стоит точка)
List of references
The design of the list is based on the principles of a brief bibliographic description and is generally similar to the design of footnotes.
The bibliography is compiled in alphabetical order. First there are items in Russian, then in European languages, then languages of other alphabets (Chinese, Japanese, Hebrew, etc.).
N. B.:
- Sources are not included in the bibliography.
- The list must be numbered (use the automatic numbering of the list in Word).
- A dot is placed after each item in the bibliography.
- The list cannot contain research papers not mentioned in footnotes.
- The list does NOT contain information about publishers and the total number of pages (in monographs).
- For articles, the page range of the entire article is specified.
- Literature in Russian and other rare languages (i.e., non-European languages (French, German, Italian, Spanish) is formatted separately. The description in the original language must be duplicated in transliteration, according to BGN standards, which is given in square brackets. It is recommended to use automated servers After the transliterated title of the article or monograph, the translation into English must be indicated in square brackets.
- The Russian names of the cities – Москва, Санкт-Петербург, etc. – are transmitted in transliterated form without abbreviation, according to the rules of the English language (Moscow, Saint-Petersburg).
Example of the case when translit is needed
Лурье З.А. К вопросу о роли иллюстраций в печатной книге XVI в.: «Пассионал» Лютера // Печать и слово Санкт-Петербурга. СПб., 2021. С. 323–328 [K voprosu o roli illyustratsiy v pechatnoy knige XVI v.: «Passional» Lyutera [On the question of the role of illustrations in the 16th century printed book: Luther’s «Passional»] // Pechat’ i slovo Sankt-Peterburga. Saint-Petersburg, 2021. S. 323–328].
Example of the reference list
- Доддс Э. Р. Греки и иррациональное / Пер. с англ., коммент. и указатель С. В. Пахомов. СПб., 2000. [Dodds E. R. Greki i irratsional’noe [Greeks and irrational] / Per. s angl., komment. i ukazatel’ S. V. Pakhomov. Saint-Petersburg, 2000].
- Лурье З.А. К вопросу о роли иллюстраций в печатной книге XVI в.: «Пассионал» Лютера // Печать и слово Санкт-Петербурга. СПб., 2021. С. 323–328 [Lurie Z.A. K voprosu o roli illyustratsiy v pechatnoy knige XVI v.: «Passional» Lyutera [On the question of the role of illustrations in the 16th century printed book: Luther’s «Passional»] // Pechat’ i slovo Sankt-Peterburga. Saint-Petersburg, 2021. S. 323–328].
- Bouzek J. Attic Art of the Fifth and Fourth century BC and the Art of Cimmerian Bosporus // Греки варвары на Боспоре Киммерийском VII–I вв. до н. э. СПб., 2006. С. 11–16. [Bouzek J. Attic Art of the Fifth and Fourth century BC and the Art of Cimmerian Bosporus // Greki varvary na Bospore Kimmeriyskom VII–I vv. do n. e. Saint-Petersburg, 2006. S. 11–16.
- Heal B. Die Druckerpresse und die Macht der Bilder. Leiden, 2021 //
- Kolb R. Kleiner und Großer Katechismus // Neuedition der Bekenntnisschriften der evangelisch-lutherischen Kirche [Электронный ресурс] // URL:
- Parker G. The Making Roman India. Greek Culture Roman World. Cambridge; New York, 2008.
Requirements for illustrations
Illustration files should be numbered (named) in such a way that it is clear what material they belong to and what is the order of their arrangement in the text. Vector illustrations must be submitted in EPS or PDF format.
Other illustrations are accepted in any standard graphic format, preferably TIFF. Illustrations must be of high quality (resolution of at least 300 dpi with illustration sides of at least 8 cm.)