Prilutsky A. M. Introduction
Philosophy of religion
Grigorenko A. J. Classical German Philosophy as a theoretical source of modern religious studies
Lebedev V. J. On problem of cultural religiosity as phenomenon of contemporary Russia religious culture
Pogasiy A. K. On the question of several religious terms
Aster I. V. Monasticism as social and cultural phemomenon
Practical theology
Masaki N. The Doctrine of Justification in the 19th Century:A Look at Schleiermacher’s Der christliche Glaube (1830/31)
Prilutsky A. M. The Lutheran Traditionalism and High Church
Isaev S. A. What is forensic/declared in justification, according to the Lutheran viewpoint?
History and source studies
Panteleev A. D. The Martyrdom of Potamiaena and Basilides (Eus. HE VI, 5)
Kargaltsev A. V. Montanism in Roman North Africa: Concerning the problem of martyrdom reflection
Andersen V. V. Abelard, Bernard of Clairvaux and the Council of Sens of 1141
Krylov P. V. «Theology of liberation» and it’s conception of world history
Criticism and bibliography
Grigorenko A. J. Religious processes Northwestern economic region and in the Baltic states: Review
Chronics of scientific and religious events
Jeyds E. J. Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche in Russland, der Ukraine, in Kasachstan und Mittelasien (el kras ) today