Konstantin Yur’evich Subbotin PhD in Philology, bachelor of Religious Studies, lecturer, Theological Institute of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria (der. Kolbino, d. 25a, Leningrad region, Vsevolozhsk district, Russia, 188680)
Subbotin K. Yu. Doctrine of justification in Sergius Stragorodsky’s master’s thesis and its critique in the Russian Orthodox church, Religiya. Tserkov’. Obshchestvo. Issledovaniya i publikatsii po teologii i religii [Religion. Church. Society: Research and publications in the field of theology and religious studies], Saint-Petersburg, 2022, vol. 10, pp. 74–93.
doi: 10.24412/2308-0698-2022-10-74-93
Language: Russian
Τhe article is an overview of historiographical nature and attempts to identify the features of the emergence of the «Orthodox doctrine of salvation» by Patriarch Sergius Stragorodsky by Orthodox theologians of the 20–21st centuries. In most cases, it is noted that Stragorodsky’s work is a sharp transitional milestone, marking Orthodox soteriology from a journal of Western and legal justification to an independent organic understanding of justification in Eastern Orthodoxy. However, the assessment of such a transition varies from benevolent recognition to complete rejection. Nevertheless, the interest in Stargorodsky’s legacy is quite large, which is confirmed by the publication and conferences of recent years. The legacy of Stargorodsky is little studied in the Russian-speaking world and it is assumed that this review contributes to the growth of scientific interest in his dissertation and theology

Key words: Orthodox Academy, dissertation, theology, living church, renovationists