Ekaterina Igorevna Nosova, PhD in History, scientific researcher, Saint-Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Petrozavodskaja ulitsa, dom 7, Saint-Petersburg, 197110, Russia)
Nosova E. I. 1, Religiya. Tserkov’. Obshchestvo. Issledovaniya i publikatsii po teologii i religii [], Saint-Petersburg, 2013, vol. 2, pp. .
Language: Russian
The article presents the publication and commentary of the vidimus of Nicolas de Ripemont, abbot of Gembloux (Namur). The diploma is kept in the archives of the Saint-Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The document belonged to the collection of Nikolai Likhachev (1862–1936).
Vidimus dated by 1389 confirms the earlier donation made in 1358 byRobert of Namur, lord of Beaufort-sur-Meuse and Ronay. According to hischarter, he obliged to pay the rent paied previously by one of his vassalsWalter de Seilles. The article reviews the historical content and physicalparticularities of the document, and attempts to answer the question whythe abbot of Gembloux acts as guarantor of the authenticity of the charter.This may be due to the fact that abbot Nicolas de Ripemont came fromthe same family as the rent holders. Thus, by confirming the letter of Robert of Namur, Nicolas de Ripemont not only consolideted the traditionalrole of the Church as a center of power and literacy, but he also protectedfamily interests.
The study was supported by a grant from the Russian Foundation for BasicResearch 18-00-00292 (as part of COMFI № 18-00-00429 (K)).

Key words: Abbey Gembloux, vidimus, Church, N. P. Likhachev (1862–1936), Robert of Namur
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