Elena Nikolaevna Nikulina PhD in Pedagogy, assistant professor at Theological Department St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Humanitarian University (Novokuzneckaja ulitsa, 23 B, Moscow, Russia, 115184)
Nikulina E.N. Religious-song section of A. Diesterweg’s manual for teachers «Der Unterricht in der Klein-Kinder-Schule»: introduction and translation, Religiya. Tserkov’. Obshchestvo. Issledovaniya i publikatsii po teologii i religii [Religion. Church. Society: Research and publications in the field of theology and religious studies], Saint-Petersburg, 2019, vol. 8, pp. 332–391.
doi: 10.24411/2308-0698-2020-00016
Language: Russian
The publication presents previously untranslated religious-song sectionof the manual for teachers of elementary schools by the classic of Europeanpedagogy Friedrich Adolf Diesterweg «Der Unterricht in der Klein-Kinder-Schule». This manual is partially known to the Russian reader due toK. D. Ushinsky’s translation «The beginnings of school children’s teaching».For certain reasons and in line with the general tendency of his time — to present to the domestic reader only the didactic part of the heritage of foreignteachers, K. D. Ushinsky did not include this section in his translation, havingthereby significantly distorted Diesterweg’s idea of the integrity of primaryeducation and the harmonious combination of secular and religious components in it. In Germany, Diesterweg is considered to be one of the classicsof religious pedagogy, while in Russia he is known mainly for his didacticrules. In the historical and pedagogical literature he is presented as a supporter of the secularity of elementary school. The poetic section of the textbook«Der Unterricht in der Klein-Kinder-Schule», offered to the reader’s attention, is evidence of the new facet of Diesterweg’s pedagogical creativity, whichis the development of questions of religion and its didactics..

Key words: Friedrich Adolph Diesterweg, religious education in elementary school, religion and its didactics, the pedagogical legacy of Diesterweg in Russian historiography