Vladimir Vladimirovich Shishkin Doctor in History, associate professor, North-West Institute of Management, the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Sredniy prospect, 57, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 199178); Saint-Petersburg State University, Institute of History (Mendeleevskaya liniya, 5, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 199034)
Shishkin V.V. The role of Queen Anna Yaroslavna in the formation of the ecclesiastical household of France, Religiya. Tserkov’. Obshchestvo. Issledovaniya i publikatsii po teologii i religii [Religion. Church. Society: Research and publications in the field of theology and religious studies], Saint-Petersburg, 2019, vol. 8, pp. 184–203.
doi: 10.24411/2308-0698-2020-00021
Language: Russian
The article examines the ecclesiastical household of Henry I and his second wife Anna Yaroslavna, the youngest daughter of the Grand Duke of Kiev,in the 1050s and 1060s. The author traces the organizational and political evolution of key ecclesiastical positions within Royal chapel (Capella Regis), stated itsdirect connection with the king’s chancellery, and its influence on royal decisionmaking. It is hypothesized that Anna Yaroslavna took an active part in the formation of the ecclesiastical court of France, as she contributed to the presence of bishops and clerics at the court, continued the policy of Capetians to promote theseclerics to vacant church chairs and church sinecures, especially during the minority of her son Philip I. The article is based mainly on the act material of the 11th century and proves the active political participation of Queen Anne in royal affairs.
The article was written with the support of the Russian Science Foundationgrant No. 19-18-00247 «The court of Russian princesses in the system of power structures of Ancient Russia and Western Europe during the Middle Agesand early modern times (11–16th centuries)».

URL: //rcs-almanac.ru/en/shishkin-2020-en/
Key words: Anna Yaroslavna, Henry I, Capetians, ecclesiastical court of France, Royal chapel, French bishops