Konstantin Vladimirovich Sutorius PhD in History, Higher School of Economics (naberezhnaya kanala Griboedova, 123, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 190008)
Sutorius K. V. Theological course of Sylvester Kulabka at the Kiyv-Mohyla Academy (1741–1745) and influence of the Lutheran scholastics, Religiya. Tserkov’. Obshchestvo. Issledovaniya i publikatsii po teologii i religii [Religion. Church. Society: Research and publications in the field of theology and religious studies], Saint-Petersburg, 2018, vol. 7, pp. 260–283.
doi: 10.24411/2308-0698-2018-00013
Language: Russian
Courses of theology, which were taught in Kiyv-Mohyla College/Academy, are more or less compilations. Parts of theological course, which Sylvester Kulabka taught in 1739–45, are not an exception. What was special, was that Kulabka as a teacher of theology closely followed his sources. Kulabka taught parts of the second half of theological course in 1739–41 and then the whole course in 1741–45. For second half of that course (1743–45) Kulabka used his lectures taught in 1739–41. The latter in turn were based on the second half of theological course, which was taught in Kiyv academy by Joseph Wolczanskj in 1721–25. The part about the law of God, which was taught by Kulabka in academic year 1743/44 and which is not found neither in the first course (1739–41) nor in the course of Wolczanskj, was based on one part of theological course by Hilario Lievicki in 1725–29. Kulabka considerably changed the design of parts of the theological course, which he taught in 1743/44, and added some chapters not present in his lectures of 1739/40. These changes seem to have been influenced by the manual of Lutheran theologian Mattias Hafenreffer.

Key words: theology, manuscripts, Mattias Hafenreffer, Lutheran scholastics, Jesuits