On psychological aspects of bigotry

Vladimir Yur’evich Lebedev Doctor in philosophy, professor, the Tver’ State University (ulitsa Ghjelyabova, 33, Tver’, Russia, 170023) , semion.religare@yandex.ru

Lebedev V. Yu. On psychological aspects of bigotry, Religiya. Tserkov’. Obshchestvo. Issledovaniya i publikatsii po teologii i religii [Religion. Church. Society: Research and publications in the field of theology and religious studies], Saint-Petersburg, 2017, vol. 6, pp. 92–107.

doi: 10.24411/2308-0698-2017-00005

Language: Russian

The phenomenon of bigotry in its religious subvariety in particular has recently become the object of study with three major aspects been markedout. These apects are quite distinct and differ radically from each other. The clinical aspect of bigotry being historically the oldest and thriving on psychic pathology has come to the foreground due to contemporary lengthy and massive life crises. This type of bigotry has repeatedly come into the focus of researchers regardless personal beliefs of classical (such as V. Gilyarovsky, P. Gannushkin, M. Gurevich, M. Sereyskiy) and modern authors. As a result the pattern of bigotry (with quasi-religious behavior substituting for the auto-bigotry that could be seen as an atheistic cult of personal genius) coincides with patterns of a number of diagnostic units. Psychic problems may give rise to other constituents of bigotry, with spiritual being one of them, rendering the entire to deep spiritual deception. Pertinent case study is hampered by lack of psychopathological competence and obliteration of Russian Orthodox anthropology represented by works of A. Ukhtomskiy and D. Melekhov.
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Key words: bigotry, pathopsychology, disease, disorder, pneumatology, dominant

URL: //rcs-almanac.ru/lebedev-2017-en/

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