Tatian Valer’evna Litvin, PhD in Philosophy, assistant professor, Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy (naberezhnaya reki Fontanki, 15, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 191011)
Litvin T. V. Jean Grondin. To the composition of «Truth and Method»: introductory article and Russian translation, Religiya. Tserkov’. Obshchestvo. Issledovaniya i publikatsii po teologii i religii [Religion. Church. Society: Research and publications in the field of theology and religious studies], Saint-Petersburg, 2016, vol. 5, pp. 42–68.
doi: 10.24411/2308-0698-2016-00004
Language: Russian
The translation of the paper «To the composition of “Truth and Method”» by Jean Grondin (1994) is dedicated to history and context of emergence of H.-G. Gadamer’s «Truth and Method». Grondin calls his approach a «pure philological» and pays attention to the text’s structure and sequence of the chapters. This view is opposite to «philosophical» approach, which focuses on theory. However, both of them are very important for understanding of the book. «Truth and Method» is a key work of Gagamer and due to his systematic thought and the universal concept of hermeneutics is still influential. According to the H.-G. Gadamer’s intention, the whole history of philosophy contains methods of interpretation, which need to be synthesized. Hermeneutics is entitled to claim a fundamental role for the whole human knowledge and to be ground of Humanities. This idea is reflected in «Truth and Method» and was formed as a result of numerous controversies with modern philosophers. So, H.-G. Gadamer rethinks the methodological discussions of the 20th century, criticizes the Kantian theory of aesthetical judgments, reconstructs the Augustinian tradition of «inner word» and the whole Christian reception of this idea and provides the reactualization of the Platonic tradition. J. Grondin examines the philological features of the concept of universal hermeneutics and its formation with specific attention put to the terminology and system categories of the work.

Key words: hermeneutics, Gadamer, Augustine, the methodology of Humanities, Schleiermacher, Kant, inner word, Heidegger, Bultmann
URL: //rcs-almanac.ru/litvin-t-v-2016-en/