Maria Alexandrovna Polyakova doctor of pedagogy, director, Kaluga State Universtity named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky, Institute of History and Law (Lenina str., 83, Kaluga, Russia, 248001)
Zinaida Andreevna Lurie PhD in History, research fellow,
Higher School of Economics, Institute of Education,
(Potapovskiy per., 16, bld. 10, Moscow, Russia, 101000),
Polyakova M. A., Lurie Z. A. Ulrich Zwingli’s «Brief Instruction» on Christian Education and Upbringing: Introductory Article, Translation and Commentary, Religiya. Tserkov’. Obshchestvo. Issledovaniya i publikatsii po teologii i religii [Religion. Church. Society: Research and publications in the field of theology and religious studies], Saint-Petersburg, 2023, vol. 12, pp. 302–327.
doi: 10.24412/2308-0698-2023-12-302-327
Language: Russian
This publication contains the text of Ulrich Zwingli’s «Brief Instruction» written in 1523 and undergone several reprints. This important source for the pedagogical thought of the Reformation era has not been translated into Russian, and in general is almost unknown to the reader. The preface to the text gives an overview of the circumstances surrounding the creation of the text, including Zwingli’s personal situation and marriage to the mother of his student Herold Mayer, and the beginning of educational reform in Zurich. Then the sources of Zwingli’s pedagogical ideas are considered, and a general description of the structure of the work and the main content is given. The text of the «Instruction» reflects its time, first of all, by abundant biblical quotations, references to which mainly constitute the commentary.

Key words: Reformation, education, school, Münster, Zurich, Glarean, Myconius, Herold Mayer, Anna Reinhard